Gardeners’ Workshop I
Pottery is the perfect art form for all you earth-loving gardeners. What could be better than designing and making something from "clean" mud that becomes permanent and useful when fired (baked) in a kiln (oven)?
This beginner workshop will concentrate on the hand-building technique of pinch pots. Various ways to texture and decorate the clay surface will also be presented. This technique can easily be performed at home without the need for a potter’s wheel. Each participant will create one small terracotta “herb” pot that will then be fired.
Time: 1 hour
Date: What day is convenient for you?
Registration fee: $50 plus $5 materials fee
Who: Beginners welcome--no previous experience necessary.
Workshop size: Minimum of 3 and maximum of 5
Gardeners’ Workshop II
Similar to Workshop I, however, we will learn four different hand-building pottery techniques: pinch pots, dowel formed cylinder pots, slab pots, and coil pots. These techniques can easily be performed at home without the need for a potter’s wheel.
Time: 5 hours
Date: What day is convenient for you? How about 10 AM to 3 PM on a Saturday? Bring a bagged lunch.
Registration fee: $200 plus $20 materials fee
Who: Beginners welcome--no previous experience necessary.
Workshop size: Minimum of 3 and maximum of 5